Located one-and-a-half hour away from Budapest in the heart of Bakony-mountains, the Forest Hills Golf & Country Club is waiting for not only those who meet the golf for the first time but also the beginners but the advanced golfers.
In our golf classes the basic skills of the golf can be learned not only by adults but by children, too. Our hotel guests also frequent our one-and-a-half hour golf presentation program. Thanks to our golf-tuition program for beginners a whole family at the same time can start playing this excellent sport and enjoy the recreation of body and soul in the unique environment.The tutor of the Forest Hill Golf & Country Club is Mr Daniel Hideg who is ready to see you between March 1 and October 31 each year. With her assistance an absolute beginner can reach the level of the golf course aptitude exam after 10-12 hour learning.
Being member of the Hungarian Golf Association (HGA) in the Forest Hills Golf & Country Club, one can register and participate in the Beginner Golfers’ programs of the Association.
Offered Services:
- golf-tuition for beginners
- individual golf-tuition for adults and children
- golf-tuition for companies/groups
- 1 putting green
- 1 chipping green
- 2*9 hole golf course on 25 hectares
- driving range with 9 teeing-places
- 1 ball server automata
Golf-tuition prices:
- Golf tuition every week: Thursday, Friday, Saturday
- Reservation: +36 88 573 310 or
1 óra - 10.000 Ft
10 alkalomra szóló bérlet- 90.000 Ft
The prices contains:
- tutor’s compensation
- use of training area of the golf course
- rental fee for training drivers
- training balls
The tuition contains:
Our professional trainer presents the basic technics of the golf. The goal is to teach our guests the most important movements of the golf, and they take a fancy for this sport. All necessary things are provided for the play, you shall come only with comfortable dress and sporty shoes. It is recommended to everybody who would like to be acquainted with the “science” of the golf.
Golf-tuition for groups
Golf-programs for groups:
One-and-a-half hour program: short course ride with golf-car thru our golf course on 25 hectares, presenting and exercising the full swing and the putting.
- Minimum participants: 10 persons
- Price : HUF 8 000 / person
- For groups over 20 persons shall have special discount.
- VAT is included in our prices.
- Scheduling:, telefon: (36) 88 573-310
The Beginner Golfers’ programs of the Hungarian Golf Association for adults
Dear Visitor!
In order to popularize this sport and together with the Hungarian golf clubs and the associated golf trainers, the Hungarian Golf Association launches golf courses for beginners who want to get acquainted with the golf.
These courses are designed mainly for adults and children.
Details of the courses:
- 10 hours (4x2 hours of practice & 2 hours of exam, 4 week-ends are typically enough)
- tuition is in 3-4 person groups
- at the end of the course – 1 hour exam on rules as well as 1 hour exam on practice
- the tutors provide the course material
At the end of the course the participants receive the official “Green card” (Platzreife) of the HGA what means also that they become officially registered golfer of the Association.
This Green card is an authorization to independently (with no supervisor) play golf on all and each Hungarian golf course.
The course fee is only HUF 29.900 instead of HUF 89.900!
Information and registration at reception desk of the Forest Hills Golf & Country Club: +(36) 88 573-310 or
Csoportos golfoktatás
Csoportos golfprogramok:
Másfél órás program: rövid pályatúra golfautóval a 25 hektáron elterülő golfpályánkon, full swing és putting bemutatása és gyakorlása.
- Minimum létszám: 10 fő.
- A program ára: 8 000 Ft / fő
- 20 főnél nagyobb létszámú csoport részére egyedi kedvezményt biztosítunk.
- Áraink az Áfa-t tartalmazzák.
- Időpont egyeztetés:, telefon: +36 88 573 310
A Magyar Golfszövetség kezdő és haladó golfozó programja felnőtteknek
Kedves Érdeklődő!
A tanfolyam főként felnőtteknek, és családoknak szól.
Tanulj golfozni KEZDŐ kurzus
A tanfolyam részletei:
- 8+2 óra kiscsoportos (3-4 fő) oktatás profi oktatóval
- Gyakorlati és elméleti vizsga
- Ingyenes ütő, labda, szabálykönyv
- Golfpálya használat a kurzus alatt, 1 hónap próba tagság az adott pályán
- A kurzus intenzív, max. 4 hétvégét vesz igénybe.
- A kurzust sikeresen elvégzők "Regisztrált golfozó" (pályaengedély) kártyát kapnak.
- A kártya tulajdonosa minden magyar golfpályán green fee ellenében önálló játékra jogosult.
- A kurzus ára: 49.900,-Ft/fő
Tanulj golfozni HALADÓ kurzus
A tanfolyam részletei:
- 11 oktatás (elmélet, gyakorlat)
- 3 fős csoportokban, profi oktatóval
- HCP (gyakorlati), szabályvizsga
- A kurzus alatt ingyenes ütő, labda és pályahasználat, szabálykönyv
- A kurzus intenzív, max. 4-5 hetet vesz igénybe.
- A kurzust sikeresen elvégzők*"SZÖVETSÉGI VERSENYENGEDÉLYT"* (EGA kártyát) kapnak
- Sikeres vizsgák esetén a kártya tulajdonosa hivatalos HCP-t szerez és golfversenyeken indulhat.
- A kurzus ára: 54.900,-Ft/fő